Odokawa Nanachi
Starry night


Just chill out dude, jeez.
If you weren't so sick in the head maybe you could've done something.
Look, I'm just trying to enjoy a nice lunch. Let's talk about literally anything else other than... whatever you had in mind.
You're disgusting.
I can't tell when you're being serious. It feels like everything you say is laden with irony.
You're a horrible person, but I'm sure you already know that.
Why don't you ever say anything anymore?
Oh, it's you.
is it really that surprising you'll die alone?
Can you please delete this website already? It's depressing.
I genuinely don't know what you're trying to accomplish here.
Every time I read your posts, I feel worse.
You really think you're a wise guy, huh?
I wish I never met you.
Jesus dude -- for once in your life, do something.
Why am I surprised you're acting like this?
That's cool, I guess.
Do you even believe in anything?
You really are a bitter one, aren't you?
她的仁慈也變成我的了。 ⏳→ 老
dove 韶華易逝 bank

“One last question to satisfy my idle curiosity. What has been going on in your mind during all the years when we listened to music together, read the Crito, and spoke together—or was it only I who spoke—good Lord, I can’t remember—of goodness and truth and beauty and nobility?”

楽しかった (´・ω・`)