“One last question to satisfy my idle curiosity. What has been going on in your mind during all the years when we listened to music together, read the Crito, and spoke together—or was it only I who spoke—good Lord, I can’t remember—of goodness and truth and beauty and nobility?”
That party on your private yacht was amazing. Hit me up again sometime!
You were so clutch in that third seed round. Speaking of which, I want to run something by you...
Sometimes I wish I could be as arrogant as you.
Look, once you're done solving world hunger I was thinking we could go to Svalbard.
I can't keep up with all the super model girlfriends. Is this your fourteenth one?
Thanks for teaching me how to triple back-flip into the pool. Now everyone loves me.
I can't imagine life without you.
Please return my calls?
is it really that surprising you'll die alone?
Can you please delete this website already? It's depressing.
I genuinely don't know what you're trying to accomplish here.
Every time I read your posts, I feel worse.
You really think you're a wise guy, huh?
I wish I never met you.
Jesus dude -- for once in your life, do something.
Why am I surprised you're acting like this?
That's cool, I guess.
Do you even believe in anything?
You really are a bitter one, aren't you?
楽しかった (´・ω・`)
她的仁慈也變成我的了。 ⏳→ 老
Modern Love Letter
While researching how to make mobile apps more and reconsidering everything (once more) so the top post of the react native subreddit had an app for couples. Tracking important milestones and whatever else. Anyway, a couple of comments had it pinned as ...
When I was a lot younger sometimes mowing the lawn so I'd mull over and wonder why I was born. That if I ever had a child, well, I'd hope I'd have a good enough answer as to why. Since I ...
Devil's Party
When I think about the gazelle thrashing about before slaughter, blood limping across the savannah -- do you think there's something wrong here? As I lift each leg over the emaciated homeless, needles still splain -- well, I mean, you can't ...
bloggin more
Hello friends, in the spirit of ignoring the rest of it so I'll scrounge together a report. I've started developing on iOS. It makes me realize how much work it could be. I guess it's time for me to move to Malibu ...
The Edge of Squalor
I'm pretty sure I wrote about this before but I can't remember. In any case, one of my favourite themes is what I'd dean _The Edge of Squalor_. One could reduce it down to the "fall of pride" and that's all, but ...
As I mess around with the website colors so I thought about an old highschool friend. We were great friends, and it was funny half the time. But college happened and then they forever altered their mannerisms. The type of thing where you're ...
to a new world; join the cliffside
Hello friends. Lately I've been romanticizing a new world. There's something that drags along with you when you get stuck in the same routines. It's fun to have a stake in the sand: to state resolutely, "never again!" Because nothing lasts forever, ...
One thing I sometimes crave is a cavern. Friends from long ago told me about a cave they went somewhere in Georgia, with some crystals in certain sections that a photograph flash could make lasers out of. When you're walking at sealevel ...
On today's nightwalk around the blocks so I ritually passed by the nearby apartment complex. It reminded me of the one I grew up with near my suburban slots. There were a few faces I knew from then, a few faces I ...
So another Saturday passed and nothing necessarily notable, other than the habitual, whether maintaining some idea of studying something, researching something, then scrolling around doing nothing. It's nothing to be mad about. It's not like you have to do something crazy ...
Swing set
"Do you think this is the last time we'll sit here together?" I was staring at my untied converses flayed in the sand. They always untied themselves but that's because I couldn't stand anything else. "I don't know, what made you ...
Do you remember the day we met? I never confessed to you how sweaty my hands were, which is why I couldn't shake yours at the time. And with the indifferent glare you shot upon me so never could I have known ...
Which is Broken?
When I first started to grapple with the drop-out existence or the business existence or shut-in existence or cross-country existence and what it could bring, I used to think a lot about what was wrong. I'd think about it so ...
An Inquiry
Hello friends. I have a simple question: do you wish there was anything different about neocities? I would agree half of its charm is precisely how it isn't anything more than it is. This especially jives with my uncomfortable level of ...
blogger bloggin
Hello friends. It's been awhile since I wrote aimlessly, and I got some things to ignore, so may as well write here. It's not really anything, it's just nothing honestly. Sometimes I envy those who can be so open about their entire ...
Insanity's Stairwell
When I wrote [Sanity's Stairwell](/posts/stairway.html) however long ago, so I made one critical error. Throughout the piece there's this assumption of a _baseline sanity_. It's in the very title: of course we're sane here, there, sane somewhere. Ah, how comforting it could ...
Prole Life
It can be quite hard to estimate how _aware_ you are of the world around you. One of the few beautiful aspects of the net is that, in real time, you can see different _world views_ interacting with one another, or ...
Making a website is probably one of the more meaningful things you could do. And in some ways it's real absurd, isn't it? In a lot of ways. You would best measure meaning by the amount of responsibility you got, the amount ...
horrible is great actually
There's always a vague inclination to be "a good person" in so far that you could wash your hands when you ever feel accused. Or you could bathe in the fact you at least did right by the entities above, by ...
cleaning out
In an attempt to freshen the walls so I went through all the trinkets and other things, hitched a proper place, and inevitably found my _physical_ journal from ~8 years ago. If you are one to indulge in the journals of ...
Virtual Exile
From: dave@cray-ze-manatee.lol \ To: mods@forum.earthwalkers.com \ Subject: Resignation \ Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 10:30:00 +0000 --- Well, I am here to report that I never will visit this website or websites like it again. I can't, and I won't anyway. ...
One trope I find so amusing is best encapsulated by an opening of _Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood_. Beyond the typical bildungsroman dolly shots following the main characters and their evolution, there's a pivotal zoom-out overlooking from their father. The eyeglasses glare out ...
An interesting question: if AI will replicate and succeed at prided tasks, like programming and music or whatever else -- if so, what's left? After some deliberation one may suggest it is our emotion/soul/heart that's still left. That, in most ways, the ...
Music Industry Machinations
I had a random thought the other day flipping through prior top 40 singles. It's almost like there are two gears locked together in the topic obvious corpus -- and we can ignore the more niche pockets but they could, most ...
Hello friends. You're welcome to subject yourselves to more rambling, though ill advised -- seriously ill advised. I mean if you read the thoughts of another enough they may infect you. I'm just accruing notes but maybe you'll enjoy the aimlessness. Anyways, time ...
abt me
hi! first thing u should know is that I have no name nor age. I do not have any personality tests nor interests. There are no quizzes for me to display here -- not because I avoid them, but because they ...
for too long i've hidden behind the veneer of being up-to-date and current -- for too long i've pretended i've understood what you said. i don't understand. i haven't. for years. you tell me we're on the up-and-up. meanwhile i'm smelling ...
A sit down
"Mark, we need to talk." It was the same as any other Friday -- though luckily for the last year I made a bargain with my manager to sign off two hours earlier. You'd be surprised how much those two hours ...
Hello friends, here's to another blog post. Been seeming a tad dazed, just enough noticeable, which isn't necessarily a bad thing -- there's no envy to be had for histrionics. Maybe there isn't anything -- I don't know, a rule I ...
Another one "landed". Tiptoeing and perfectly interjected between the benign suggestions of another appetizer or switching the bar channel. I had the table in uproar for a solid two minutes; I was on fire that night. Or so one would think ...
Vanguard Vestige
"Where you've been Jess?" My little brother was tugging on my jacket. "You gotta see this fort I made at least." It was a cracked version of Minecraft I copped for him. We had a few mods too -- some mechanical industry, ...
Gary got buried yesterday. I had _The Only Thing_ on repeat while processing his departure which, at first glance, was certainly expected -- he was pushing triple goldfish digits -- and, on second surmise, most comfortably distant. After all, it was a ...
I knew it wasn't the venue. Everyone loves the venue, everyone online raves about the venue -- I mean, it's a 4.9 on Yelp with a single dollar sign. Single. Do you know how rare that is? It's one in ...
Recently had a long conversation with an old college friend about their spiritual journey or whatever you wanna label it, whatever religion you wanna prescribe. Of course we're in the Christian variant here, but it's more buoyant to consider some sort ...
While driving to the golf range to humor my father we'd had a Sirius radio and it'd be on some classic rock station. And honestly at the time I enjoyed it, whatever it was, Hotel California. And all my siblings would load ...
It's been five days. And after reading through the three mails prior I confirmed I covered all of the incidentals -- tea notes, park observations and school reflections. I even had a call out from our first correspondence, in an attempt to ...
what's up
Hello friends, saying hello. I spent a few hours editing a post and a post after that but my intuition tells me that it doesn't necessarily like short stories for the same reason you may like blog posts: most of content ...
Page Turning
Good evening friends. Hope you've enjoyed the year and you're looking forward to the next. Big plans or small plans, or just adjusting shopping carts before taking yours out. On the main page of this website there's an image sporting two doves. ...
Everything is up for grabs ⏳
I was wondering why I was procrastinating again, or what I was even supposed to make progress on. I was always told that personalities are static; every jump of age retains the same base elements. But when I try to apply this, ...
Royalty ⏳
In Wittgenstein's journal during World War I so one can find some entries of the typical despair, but not because of the front line. He was sent more toward the back, upon the Vistula river -- the _Goplana_ so the ...
Belonging ⏳
It's strange to come across some commentary about [communities decomposing](https://bus-stop.net/) though maybe it's a part of an online campaign somewhere. Anyway, the central dilemma: you no longer belong now, right? Whether because you changed, or the fresh blood ruined how things ...
Change ⏳
Yeah, yeah, we have to resign ourselves to change. And we both went through the years, each day passes almost in tandem. But what boggles my mind is how little actually changes. It's the same machine! Binge watch many shows and stay the same. ...
Dead Garden ⏳
Do you remember your last play-pretend game? Sporting superpowers and shooting cars to prevent your intel from getting snatched. The car seat cushioning was fuzzy, soft, and equipped with flexible enough seatbelts. When I got out of the car that day I didn't ...
delirium ⏳
When you read through enough about pages sometimes you imagine yourself as the person writing it. And then you wonder to yourself, why did I make all of these about pages? In this one I'm a designer from the UK, and in ...
contentless ⏳
Game Design: an entire discipline dedicated to selling illusions of progress, achievement, mastery and ultimately meaning. Content. There are a stack of old consoles in my closet. The last boot, if I recall correctly, was maybe...5 years ago, I suspect. I ...
[...] Voices sure are angelic. Transcoding experience with some melody. Listening to someone speak will always remain fascinating. Out of some aether of will and thought to synthesize. Hopefully to something harmonious, maybe. And it's completely divorced from the frame I think. And ...
family ⏳
Recently I [came across this week-spanned holiday.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obon) Honouring one's ancestors. It's a little funny, seeing as the trek into "adulthood" is sustaining a distance-aspiration: a studio apartment a few blocks from some convenience store and thousand blocks more from anyone prior. And ...
hemorrhaging identity ⏳
What technology allows is consistent reinforcement and security of one's general thoughts about self. You get whole timelines of your life, photos to say, "yes that was me" and all the people now missing. Barring the ever-evolving eventual digital tombstone, so ...
Passing by ⏳
Around 10:21pm I'd play this song in my empty studio, peering out from my 6th story view. Maybe go for a walk after. It usually took me until 1:13am to sleep, so what's left to do other than walk about or browse forums ...
shadowed flower ⏳
On periodic walks through the nearby park, whatever time of day, so it's usually empty. There's only a few passer-bys. More often than not one is with some silence. Though from those few it's amusing how much you can learn about someone ...
Sanity's Stairwell ⏳
There have been occurrences where I unravel and am met with dismay or concern and a suggestion to see a psychiatrist. But I understand why, and keep myself at bay. By no means unhinged, just willing to entertain *anything* at all with how ...
Treadmills ⏳
What better artifact of the Suburban experience than a treadmill my dear friends? When I was a real chunkster so my family had a spare one -- rarely used, dust accrued -- and maybe I'd walk on it bi-weekly at a ...
violin ⏳
I think it's important for some people to hate you. It's important for some people to unequivocally think you're a stuck-up asshole. If you never been called an asshole before then it's likely you haven't fought for anything. All assholes fight for ...
Warmth ⏳
There's a story of a nurse with a gentle aura. And we sat there dreading tomorrow, but she walked up and levelled out the dread with something sweeter --- something beyond. She'd ask if we'd be okay here. We gave the habitual yes, ...
layers of walmart ⏳
Today I went to pick up vegetables at the local Walmart. Passed by the employee on the cig-break and dodged the watermelons displayed out-front before getting my basket. With the entrance I'm always thrown in for a contemplation, and a waff of ...