

Whenever you open neocities so you’re greeted with “Post a message…” and it’s so taunting. Because you can write anything you want. And yet it’s not as though it’d really convey the more complex emotional circuit. Even if it did, why are you doing that? But you can still do it.

There’s a point in “man who fell from grace into the sea” where the sailor struggles to say anything eloquent or moving at all. I guess you just keep trying until you’re executed.

This is the trouble with agency: unknown unknowns. Such as what is your “calling” in life if you want to subscribe to some ikigai, some Career Decisions, some Higher Essence – if you can.

Why is it that, with such agency and infinite leverage which the Virtual Economy reveals itself as – why is it so foreign to make a move that’s lasting?

You could call it all a ruse. But while the ruse goes on, the same as a Ponzi scheme, so you may as well make your buck.

I just feel so goddamn unhinged all the time but it’s kept under-wraps by not talking much. Holding some honest truths about how these things work. Scolding yourself for violating them – where is this urge to talk coming from again?