
Hello again friends. It’s a nightly entry sort of thing. Let’s see how many loosely related thoughts make its way across these pages.

Well, what can I offer you then? Maybe I could auction some wants off to you, since they’re no longer functional for me. Ah, being the master of minds I suppose. The advertising giant. The extravagant marketing guru infecting you with some blues! Blues from a wish unfulfilled. What sort of wishes shall we grant you today?

It’d be nice to deliver both the desire and the satiation I suppose. Isn’t that the perfect infomercial? Not so bad when you put it that way. You can learn more if you call at [REDACTED].

I found a secret to solving all problems: just exist in a higher plane. Try it sometime. Christ consciousness available to you with three payments of $8.59 if you call now. Again, at [REDACTED].

I mean, if you took mortality out of the picture, what would ethics even look like then? Dwell in the immortal plane if you dare!

Are we +++ gulp +++ are we friends? I call us friends but maybe you’d be inclined otherwise. Maybe you roll your eyes clockwise. I’ll roll mine counterclockwise in protest!

I love pastel pink. Don’t you? I’d love a whole series of shops painted in a pastel pink. A flamingo sort of holiday. But you know what’s even better than pastel pink? Pastel yellow. I hope my gravestone is pastel yellow. We’ll go with “Banana Paradise” some coloring company came up with. Subtle. Sharp. Sincere. Love delivers itself in pastel yellow, don’t you think?

It’s a pretty solid plan when you think about. If you don’t really have any desires. What’s better than to flood someone else with all of the desires they could ever think of? Cue the kid gifted a kitty and crying overwhelmed for a Parent’s TikTok.

This was titled “departure” as a prompt but I completely forgot about it. There was probably a whole different ~500 words I could’ve wrote around that, but doesn’t that sound too heavy? I’m not sure if I could conjure an uplifting note about departures other than a magical pat on the back.

If this was our last conversation, would a goodbye be suitable? Are we saying goodbye without saying hello? I mean, there were words exchanged but not a literal “hello” voiced.

I guess departures are the real astrological signs to follow. Tracing one’s interactions and seeing where it leads, where it may end. How does this end? We can fit in reading some palms too.

Hmmm… I guess the best ending to this would be as stated: find some wisdom, have a fill of suffering, and perhaps a fond event or two to spring about it.

So I guess the departure checklist looks like…

[x] Write a lot of random conversations
[x] Create something new, anything at all
[x] Read and comment on others’ thoughts
[x] Refuse to create a commendable website
[ ] Cause ripples across the neoverse in lieu of the current power vacuum (unlikely)
[ ] Create an interactive website perhaps
[ ] Learn to love sleep again
[ ] Suffer more

Halfway there! Let’s trade notes sometime.