

Our Serendipitous (or a wretched unlucky) goddess so dictates you clicking on this, me typing this – even the recipient I imagine I’m writing this to. Just from that alone so the tone of this entry takes its own course.

Usually when writing there’s no one in mind, but diverging even just a bit could adorn the whole message differently. Making it a postcard, report card, tribunal. It’ll probably be written the same: usually I imagine casting it out from shore.

So in this bottle here’s a simple decree: embrace the arbitrary. Through the arbitrary so the divine plan lets itself be known.

In the over-rationalized world – ironically far from it, always will be – there’s always this need to explain oneself, explain how to get out of this mess, explain how there’s a mess in the first place!

For example, there’s an eroded lot of plastic bins stuffed in the closet containing multi-generational videogame collections, resolutely dormant. And with other day I listened to the WoW ambient soundtracks again, mildly nostalgic. To the Rational some would petition how much of a waste that all was: one could’ve found many more returns elsewhere. But to the Arbitrician it was precisely etched in and a requisite to this piece today, however asinine it all seems.

When one looks over all the information waiting, one could certainly designate it useless. Why ever collect trivia facts? God knows how many conspiracies I’ve since abandoned – but the Arbitrician shall pull the curtain toward the conspiracies waiting for resolution. It wasn’t all in vain, seeing it come together! Whether filed as the insane or the patient-to-unveil, so each one all contributes toward a more discerning eye.

Arbitrarianism is negating the single question which condemns one to the Rational insanity: “but what will you do with this?”

Nothing! With a fistful of spite shaken around! Nothing at all! But it’s not like that’s true forever! What can you possibly predict about the days to pass?! So pocket it; savour every moment. Just because. Leave no stone unturned if you so please!

Because we don’t know how the dots will connect. If they will, won’t – not until the sacred day shall we ever ascertain the utility of frenetic searching, random postings, newsletters, another site update.

But that’s precisely the promise ignited: whatever you are reading, whatever you are learning, whatever you are experiencing: it is not to be buried yet. It’s not for nothing. Even if you come to pass so whatever fragments left shall ripple onward through others, however the finale shows.

That’s all this petition really is: an admission of ignorance. We can’t resolutely write off random facts or transient experiences. if anything, we ought to savour them, for we’re but cradled in a net of nebulaic Arbitrary existence – or is it? The more you see it the more it seems Arbitrary is a synonym of Divine. How we can’t say this chance meeting was for nothing. We can’t know until our last breath.

Through this simple ember so one may find some courage. If today you wanted to read some Persian folklore, why don’t you! Who’s to say anything!

Those who continue to Rationalize themselves so sentences themselves to the very antithesis of living, smug enough to think their calculated plays and portfolio tracking shall save them from the wastelands yet-to-come, and the wasteland within. And those who continue to give up doing anything, reading, experiencing – because it all seems to be in vain – remain willingly ignorant. They won’t acknowledge how it all accrues and gives a different hue to the days ahead. Melancholic tints accentuate the purples ahead.

The most meaningful relationships have no reason. How delightful! It just is. They just are, and what a wealth of security from that. Calvinism strikes again. Aren’t the best experiences the most arbitrary, striking you so contrived but it still holds its candle? Maybe crazy enough to call it all predetermined, why don’t you? Like a particularly rainy day staring out from the porch window so you felt transported.

Our most meaningful thoughts just tickle some fancy and you won’t ever explain why – but why do you have to explain your being? You don’t need to explain that Beauty itself is arbitrary and now divine, all from arbitrary beings. Nothing is more satisfying than saying, “just cause” or “just don’t feel like it.” As if psychoanalyzing ever gave a resolute answer anyway.

It’s a simple choice, really. You can continue to try to rationalize and categorize how it all works and how you’ll work. Etch up the best course of actions, dismiss everything in-between while Life passes.

Or you can surrender, hang up your Book of Plans and embrace our arbitrary playbook to unfold. Relish in this seeming uselessness rife with golden strands yet to harvest.

It’s pretty clear which one is more delightful, and – most importantly – True To Form.

The beauty of becoming the Arbitrician is wielding this magical script:

You didn’t waste any time at all. If anything, you haven’t “wasted” enough.