

After writing my last two posts (on divorce, love, virtue) I wanted to write this small one. To point out what I’m finding more and more the case.

I feel as though even discussing these subjects, there are so many DELUSIONS and LIES people carry about them. What is the point of marriage, what is the point of love, what is the point of a job, what is the point of children, what is the point of virtue, etc.

I think what broke my heart the most, (if it could break :-)) is how these people are KICKED TO THE CURB and now fighting for themselves WITH THEIR CHILDREN because they instead embraced MOMENTARY RELEASE from an otherwise hellish existence.

All of the animal kingdom shares one fact: we live to produce and protect our young. How is it that people become so devoured up by the false idols of desires, addictions and the like to abandon their one and only obvious purpose? The primary thing they’re meant to do, which is have children, raise them well (for they are you, but that’s another post) and yet people fail at this.

It’s sickening. But in a heartless fashion you could comment that it’s survival of the fittest happening in real time. Still, it’s astonishing how the survival mechanism has been completely hijacked, and now people are soulless pleasure seekers. A part of me wants to feel bad for the children, and certainly I do, but I must remind you of an even harsher truth. That a lot of us forget the concept of blood. As harsh as it is, and something I still battle with daily, you carry your blood in you, and like it or not, your blood, your family, your history is a strong indicator of who you are. There’s a reason why an exceptional family turns into “royalty” and continues. There’s a reason why people stay in the same socioeconomic classes; some say due to the larger forces, but I would say it’s in their blood. How many instances have we seen of generational wealth squandered immediately? There’s no more concept of honoring your ancestors, your family, your progeny.

For it is far easier to blame other people than to fix it. And if blaming other people is found within your family (which I am sympathetic towards) I must break the news and say that “blaming” quality is probably found within you.

In a strange manner I would say most of humanity is damned because of their inability to break the karmic cycle and write a new record, turn the leaf. Son becomes father, daughter turns into mother, all are wrapped in anger, misunderstanding, and disappointment. And I can understand why. If I was born to where I had to deal with more straining circumstances I would feel a mixture of anger, shame, resentment. Why should I have to act right when everyone I know acts wrong and gets away with it? For some solace, one must understand that they never get away with it — a long enough track record of being painful to others leads one down to misery. Furthermore, even now, when I find myself feeling slighted or misunderstood, I reassure myself that maybe I could change the blood for the better.

It’s like the basics have been forgotten entirely. People really do believe they can just live their one life seeking gratification without realizing the emptiness of it later on. But you know what, maybe you can. It’s up to your discretion whether or not it’s worth continuing your bloodline. That’s on you. I could definitely be the broken one here. I could be wrong here. We could both say the only thing waiting is heat-death. But I think it’s more like we’re becoming gods.

Regardless, I think we could both agree though that if you’re going to have children, at least do it right.