
Broken Concrete

Lately I’ve been wondering why it’s easier to avoid people. And why I keep hovering over the delete button to run away, even if this site steadies me (or is that a lie I feed myself to avoid larger things)? The last thing I’ve trouble departing from is the example as follows:

A child is walking along the sidewalk. The same sidewalk you once walked on when you were a child too. The one you wished someone explained to you how there’s a most unsuspecting gap that you’ll slip on and slam your face. So you’re on the grass and you can warn him at least. You can try, but the issue is the very sidewalk: even after that first gap, you soon discover there are an infinite number of gaps to trip yourself on until your chin shatters. Despite such things, the child waves and smiles.

You may warn the child to watch your step when he approaches the first gap, but then there’s another gap and taking the time to explain how to hop the fence and take an entire different route: aren’t you being weirdly imposing? Furthermore, from their view, they don’t see the gaps. They may call you insane with your explanations even if they trip again and again. They’ll call you psychopathic, schizophrenic, narcissistic, neurotic etc. He may even get attached to his scrapes and consider it a part of him, collecting them endlessly and getting offended if you ask about them.

And now the child is a good bunch of humanity you’ll run into. Even yourself. Maybe the grass I’m on has parasites lurking. But I at least know how unsuspectingly hostile the environment may be, and how much you must guard yourself.

Who do you blame in the end? The construction workers? The parents who are also children of god? The child? To watch all children of god slam their faces constantly pains me greatly, but reality requires it. It requires these gaps in the sidewalk for you to move past. Do I get upset at how much people hurt themselves or just accept it?

That we’re in a dream, and yet I find myself taking it seriously when I see enough bruises. After witnessing enough skull fractures you sink into it and now you’re on the sidewalk tripping too. Flailing around and smacking others with unrealistic expectations when I start tripping. I’m so tired of hurting others.

I know the land I inhabit is cold. And a small, small part of me holds a sliver of that old child of me, having doubts. Can I be so heartless? Do I just laugh at the children in pain due to their own volition? Do I laugh at myself too? But I know how much it hurts and burns and the crushing, crushing, crushing sickness. How it flares up and strangles you. It may seem like a dream to me at times, but it’s very real to everyone else. And it turns real at the snap of a finger for me too.

Yet where in Nature do you see the stronger nurturing the weaker outside their family? Even between the same species, such as wolves — they’ll fight to the death and slaughter the children.

Can you imagine a wolf dressed up and walking around a metropolis to see just how dazed we all are? Do people even know how brutal reality can get? How many faces are going to melt in the coming decades? Most of humanity reveals disasters roughly every hundred years; the last century had more than a couple for reference. Do we all just pretend that isn’t going to happen again? I can’t believe it myself when I write that, in all likelihood, almost half of the population of the world is going to be gone in my lifetime.

Do I even have time to cultivate these delusions? Such a cold place. Just have to make it warm again.

How can you possibly criticize me for any conflict that comes to you? I watch every day what you are doing as a society. While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you. Is this the “Universal Law” you subscribe to?

Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civicly ignorant sheep. Perhaps you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that.

— John Titor, The Complete Posts pg. 31-32