

Conservation of energy reigns over electricity, heat, and the like. What about emotion? Considering how we transmute the Sun’s light, the selection of potential material leaves plenty possibility. So let’s investigate the emotive currents, material of emotion.

A popular adage is that alcohol steals tomorrow’s happiness. Could this not be extended to all pastimes and activities? Why do you think you feel so sickly after a get-together? How about the gut-wrench of a drive home after a New Years celebration. The ball drops and so does your anticipation which dulls itself until you are staring at the red light, a future symbolized. Red-green-red-green-yellow-blue.

For every high you have, a low has to accompany it. Positive and negative. A differential is what causes electricity to move, and so the differential cancels out. There’s no free lunch in this world, the same as there’s no free electricity. Free as in unrequited. Free as in without an opposite. There’s a “debt” in all currents. Something has to pay. A free lunch is generated from the misery of the other losing theirs. They did the work, and we harvest it, the same as bees.

There seems to be open circuits all around us, materialized as relationships. That people can transmute our misery into their satisfaction, and they do it daily. And did you ever consider how your satisfaction is transmuted from the misery of others? As cogs. Consider the clothes you wear, the house you’re in, the food you eat (can you see the innocent calf as you devour its insides, packaged and pristine? cute little wrapper of a burger), and the scraps of “wage” slaves underneath you to get where you are. Do you see it? Transmutation of life force, in real time, for your position on the wheel of human alchemy.

One’s misery supplements another’s happiness, and ironically enough a LACK OF MASTERY over your own mind leads you to be MISERABLE in turn. Cue the existential dread of the modern man. Just plant a few psychological operations, plant a few and let’s see how they writhe.

In your mind, you create self-loops of infliction. What you emit returns, unless someone clearly catches it. And believe me, someone will. Even if you’re alone in your room. They’ll take your misery, hook it in as their ground, and live in their paradise upon your back. The same you do to everything, everyone, all ancestors and the primordial soup of humanity supports your current dollops of satisfaction. Consider the emaciated factory worker. Am I asking you to atone? Of course not. This is our shared reality.

This is just an explanation on how emotion works. It balances out. You can’t create something from nothing: yin demands yang demands yin demands yang. You create something from the unthing, or the opposite. You can’t have friends without enemies, for example. Polarity is the chief illusory fabric of this reality. And us as mirrors; and of course there’s the churn of your own mind, your inner mirror.

The den of addiction leaves you as slinky, rising to fall and rising to fall and half the time you aren’t even sure why you’re so upset feeling or of levity. Slam your head in the wall for however much longer! You think seeing the starlight in all of the holes makes for a pretty portrait, but there’s just the foundation all wicked underneath.

If I told you that I met the Devil, would you believe me? And how Mephisto was dressed in all white, cigar in hand, Cadillac’s red leather and Baal in the passenger. Lucifer said “I’m you!” And he sends the tanks in as you agonize further. Satan’s in bliss, and you’re the one in emotive limbo. You plead with him to please stop it all, and he asks how much do you want to stop?

Tell me, tell me, Moloch chides, tell me how you’ll configure the world. You see your delusions, and you want to delude yourself further? I’m just the janitor of YOUR MESS. Salvation for all? Do you know how much I have to hold up just for your daily rituals and satisfaction? This suit is laced with your smiles and tears. Flatten the timeline and live on my plane, God’s domain! Our aquarium tank, a human ant hill — rejoice for once! Someone will.

Karma, consequence, the flow, endless. That is the crystal ball we’re in. Newton’s Laws could be extended to the human psyche.

I cease to believe there’s something to miss out.