

Yeah, yeah, we have to resign ourselves to change.

And we both went through the years, each day passes almost in tandem. But what boggles my mind is how little actually changes. It’s the same machine!

Binge watch many shows and stay the same. Go to the same job and get the same check to a bank account the perpetually builds into nothing.

Buy everything and still have the same lifestyle, just with bells and whistles.

Reinvent the same shenannie that dominates modern frameworks, designs, fashion.

Hide from people with newspapers, now smartphones, now silence. The library stands still as the lights shut off.

Go get a college education, four years swiftly done with and you’re none the wiser!

A lot of stuff happened everywhere. But nothing actually made any difference. None of the stuff did much.

Fall in love, fall out, find yourself worthless in either case.

Go to new cities, eat the same food, new food gets old. More shows, same arcs. Flip through many magazines. Flip through people.

Believe in God, forget about it, find futility, fall down into faith to crush it again.

Befriend or don’t, never be alone anyway.

There’s a sunset everyday, most that you don’t watch.

Read a million words that add up to nothing.

Finish novels, forget about them.

it’s impressive how much people do yet nothing resulted.

Yet the things that change you are the most rewarding. It adds a chapter to your book. Anything that drips coffee instead ought to have a disdain attached.

It just blows my mind how much has happened. So many things. So many people. So many shows. Travels. Novels. Writing. It happened, but it didn’t form into anything. There’s my existence. I barely remember any of it. Nothing changed at all.

Kudos to those who grew through the years.

Maybe I’ll change from now on.

When will you change?