
checked off the list

Previously the inclination was to create some “minimalist” forum software to collect links.

But it didn’t seem like something that enjoyable; that is, reinventing the wheel. Reinventing a wheel which may pop in a week’s time.

But with this domain name it would be absurd to not host something, right? Hopefully.

So why not just host something? One thing lead to another and thus https://neo.rasselas.xyz was born.

If this is all it does – that is, exist for a bit before the domain expires – that’s fine. It’s just nice to finally use a domain name. Otherwise why purchase it?

As with any “ribbon-cutting” one can make grand-stand statements and promise the world but I’m not that delusional.

Hopefully it’s just a place where one can post links and extend conversations from neocities. That’s it.

Feel free to use a throwaway email – not sure if Discourse detects those, but it doesn’t matter.

In terms of community guidelines/requirements, who knows. Right now the only objective is how it’s an amusing extension of this neocities persona.

Reminded of this video:

You cannot control what other people find valuable [and cater to everyone]. What you can control is which type of people you want to have in your community [and therefore let their values shape your community].

The people you let in your community today will strongly influence the people who join your community tomorrow. Choose wisely.

But that’s for another time.

Just glad to check this off the list! Whatever happens next is – gulp – it’s up to you, Adventurer (´・ω・`)