
do you want to play?

What games can we play with one another?

Some high stakes games dominate many lives! I’m entertaining joining the game once more… not sure.

Shall we play the language game?

I can’t play any games that have to do with food, so that removes a lot of excuses to roam around the city, doesn’t it? Unless you wouldn’t mind a ghost filling a shop seat.

Do you think we could provide each other some valuable insights? Gems on how to move forward?

Do you think you understand the rules of the game we’re under everyday?

Are you grateful for your position in the game? Maybe it isn’t something to be grateful for, depending on your schematic and withdrawals.

Games, games, games! The secret to any sort of child-like glimmer in a message, in a demeanor. What do you hope to win?

A lot of rhetorical nonsense questions. Well language is nonsense too, you have to give me this digital paper to write my nonsense at least. I mean, not as though you could take it away. You can take away your eyes. Do you think you’re getting value from this?

We’re playing questions for a game, as that’s a convenient game to begin and end. Starts and end on a page, no interaction required. No choices neither.

Let’s suppose for a moment, what can we do right now?

Some profiling, some housekeeping. We both have:

  1. A computer, or mobile device.
  2. Some time to browse neocities.
  3. A desire for secrecy (no profile pictures here)
  4. A looming feeling about the digital complex

How nice it’d be to play an amusing game with some higher stakes. Some stakes where you don’t have to… run away from where you are.