

Hello friends. There’s no driving narrative today. It’s just writing a bit because writing is accessible compared to other Larger Interests.

Larger in the sense of possibilities and therefore requisites. Some interests have a good bit of upfront cost before they become enjoyable, or effortless. Effortless is the state to measure: if each task is a bit of resistance then it’s a walk up hill – a walk one usually avoids. Let’s skateboard down a hill instead if we can.

You could technically champion Writing as a Larger Interest. It’s pretty infinite… immediately one may think of the World Builders along with the Language Constructors. The next novelists.

Luckily with writing there’s room for those who want to scribble. There’s no skirmish neither – write what you want and disappear whenever.

Perhaps with the larger slices of the Writing World there’s a skirmish with one’s self. Knowing how to phrase and phase in each story, particle and panacea to get proper lost in.

One happy place I love to return to is somewhere that has a slight glow-white haziness to it. A mist enveloped in a bright frill mint field, bordering sands of an ocean ahead maybe. Surrounded by an eroded stone village, consumed in vines. Little white dots scattering with each step before sitting upon remnants of a bench, carved patterns visible enough. It’d be a place to wear all white all the time. It’d be a place to get a good tan for an afterlife. A dandelion coconut retreat, I suppose.

Instead of making an imageboard, I realized a better alternative: make a link aggregator. Something like this.

See, there’s the whole “indie” web and “small time” websites but what’s ironic about it is how vacuous it can be – such a cold heartless one that I am, a real balloon-headed one too. To assume these things are for my consumption and how bold to state how they aren’t entertaining me! How crass!

Though I would suggest this to be a partial truth amongst many “indie” web surfers. There’s still a tinge of alienation, maybe you could feel that.

Earlier today I watched a video on the plummeting birth rates and the “scourge” of alone 40-somethings. This video was centered in China, though I would reckon it to be applicable many where else.

In any case, one interviewed said, “It’s too exhausting to get to know someone else.” This struck out, because what does it mean to get to know someone? When is it accomplished?

Of course these naive questions seem a little nonsense. A little out of common language. To get to know is to get to know – to ask questions about as something as basic as this task is a tad strange. But I would still defend my questioning: the idea of “getting to know someone” seems quite contradictory to the common goal of leaving one’s mind parasite behind. Flow, effortless, unalienated: these emotions are found in the Larger Interests – they’re also found in discussions which stand on their own apart from either talker.

Discussions on macro-economics and amusing trends among us. Maybe it’s time to rent-a-friend for those so inclined! You could suppose those Larger Interests give access to such conversations. Investment in knowledge and structures and practicing some mindful observation.

You don’t need “to get to know” – you already know enough is what I reckon. The rest is up to a twisted form of fate, I guess.

Anyway, a link aggregator gives opportunity: share something and shed yourself along with any justification. Talk about the interests, the news, the interests and the news – escape the mind parasite.

See, with imageboards and textboards and even some forums it leans toward this recursive self-analysis and admittances. And yeah, sometimes that’s fine. Sometimes the good stories come from that maybe. But the best text-entertainment comes from sharing links, videos, and then discussing those. There are no requirements other than reading the material shared if one wants to engage. It’s practical. It chugs along with what I would presume the ethos of the net to be: share some information, if you’d like.

Yeah, it’s a shame there are so many Large Interests one can get lost in. I want to lose myself in all of them. Right now I’m entertaining creating a transpiler, or a creating a video game, or creating some videos, or creating some drawings, 3D models – there’s a lot to choose from. Maybe I’ll just continue to procrastinate my ticket to heaven by walking the pond and writing some nothing-much here. That’s fine too.

When was the last time you thought it to be playing?

In a really twisted funny way, I guess writing here feels like playing to me. And I just want to find more ways to play.

We’re playing games all the time; may as well play the ones you enjoy.

Some may bemoan their loss – an “inability” to play any more video games – but that could easily be reframed: an opportunity toward lasting fulfillment, perhaps serving something spiritual in essence, however much one wants to deny it. It always seems to manifest as “something more” in the distance. May as well follow the meadow up the isle toward the lighthouse. May as well listen to the waves crash. May as well.