
A perpetual mind wander gives many gifts but which ones do you want to open? Many DIY assemblies in store!

I count at least three of them, and each tripled wrapped as though a hazard (and in some ways, may be).

By gifts I mean what next do you want to see in the world. Often I come back to the same ideas, but the weight of implementing it all makes it seem not so fun. Is it something I can change? Probably.

But instead of forcing that, I’d rather turn to the larger amusement: this perpetual part of the mind wander.

Ushering oneself along the circadian beat which makes itself known in coffee drivethrus, red lights or trunk-first parking. A tie automatically swiveled around the neck.

Or stuffing a backpack, slipping on shoes, a quick comb of hair at the front mirror before locking the door.

There’s always this need to be somewhere and do something and catch up toward who knows what. Reflecting upon all of those hurried moments and they all lead toward writing this entry here. How many plane landings!

The perpetual bites into each day, propelling you in ways that don’t seem to give ease, rest, a well-nourished excitement. Instead it only offers relief: “Oh I’m glad that’s over…”

When was the last time you bothered to just exist?

It’s only really felt with a sit out on the porch. No technology, no distractions, maybe some company, a life of satisfaction.

Today I awoke to the tweedle of a bird, though I wouldn’t know its call. It was completely natural, and yet rarely happens.

Would a mind less wandered remember their messenger there? What did the bird say? More seed, I suppose.

The plush mattress, the crusty eye, the shuffle out for some mail.

Isn’t this enough?

Why make it more?

I hope you make some time to sit at the kitchen table, or wherever you prefer to eat some breakfast. If it means stuffing toast while standing, then maybe stand there for five minutes more.

Maybe then we’ll hear the other messengers, there to remind us that there’s no rewind.

Chatter fades to black. A pulse of light, and a zip for a radio wave: how can our antennas capture anything if it’s always jostling this way and that?!