
fringe feelings

Hello friends. Reflecting upon why one would spin up any forum at all.

After living without any sort of group chat for a long time it didn’t register until today: group chats drive the virtual experience for many. That’s where you share a link.

The thing is, after closing this neocities tab, there is nothing else waiting other than work and surfing. It could be construed as a solitary experience, but true solitaire playing requires broken internet connections.

Maybe one silos away from it all in a hope one won’t be infected with the psyops of the day, and yet it’s easy to bathe in the same filth anyway unless you’ve banned all news sites.

Creating a forum is acknowledging how hopping on this computer means wasting some time. If you quiz yourself on the value of any stranded link, news site – whatever YouTube you’ve watched too – it’d be hard to even remember the titles.

But is it any different than a group chat?

Well, the optimist in you would contend: of course not! A group chat is sharing a history, building something. Maybe you’ll find High Value™ people Networking In Dubai and it’ll pay dividends when you land.

If there ever was a Mind Parasite, it’d be this fidgety clicking around collecting doless knowledge and leaving with blood-shot eyes not a bit soothed.

The paradox of this existence is justifying one’s existence through temporary means. It’s impossible.

Even if you spend your whole life impacting billions of lives, it’s voracious – now it needs to be trillions.

It’s this tension between doing nothing and everything but only when you give up being the doer do things begin to make sense.

Instead of finding a reason, there is no reason. The forum popped up. Whenever it closes, it will. Not a bit privy toward that end, however it may come.

Maybe after relinquishing enough doership the doless scraps congeal into walkways for finer nights, finer thoughts, no thoughts.

It may all sound crazy and weird, it may, but it’s the only way to communicate.

It doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t have to – everything is already justified. So you don’t have to state your why’s anymore.

Isn’t that the ideal depiction in any sort of corny self-help or blockbuster romance?

You’re fine as you are.