
This is just another whim, you could say.

Just simply ‘being’ on this web-page. Whether I ‘be’ here tomorrow or several days after is of no matter.

For the past week I was half-convinced it doesn’t matter, and in fact could distract from larger ambitions, posting here. But when you really dig into it, my reasons came up short.

Searching deep inside and it is hard to say whether a website is for me or not. Keep walking back and forth on it. Until I’m a bit more certain I suppose I’ll keep writing some straggling posts until it no longer feels right.

Suspended atop a rift that keeps widening. One end is labeled ‘silence’ and the other is labeled ‘action’.

The current reason is that I hope this serves as a beacon of light for those whose light went out.

Bunch of soggy matches in front of you, and the rain is coming in hard, but if you just get the first strike, just one light – the kerosene ignites and a warm fireplace for respite.