this is [not] (our) story

Did you know the significance behind the + and - next to your blood type?

It signifies whether the Rhesus D antigen is present in your blood. Rhesus is Latin for something!

The distribution between RhD+ and RhD- across the world is roughly 85% to 15%.

What do you think that means anyway?

All I know is that sometimes people associate something sinister with the negative blood types. Sometimes I wonder how right they are.

Sometimes it’s funny, a lot of things – guess that’s the reptilian blood laughing.

A case of reptiles and mammals, isn’t it? A case of the aliens settling into this place – abandoning Mars perhaps. Do you think a dusty one could learn to love a lot of things?

I sure hope so.

If not, I guess all one could have is a spear, a hardened chest, and something to be angry about.

You know, lately I’ve been searching what’s the most delightful. What’s the most amusing and interesting. What excites you?

When you are the eternal observer, all the structures and storyboards fade away. One finds themselves in many shops then, a chair idling out the window. Sifting in many moments and clutching the chest at how it turned out this way and that. What’s the next chapter?

But stepping back, what seems the most delightful is our story.

Every word here sloshes the blood around – and so it blotches our home. Though perhaps I’m a bit presumptuous, crocodile I am. But maybe the mammals about wouldn’t mind a story. A story about them! Or us, for that matter.

Maybe you wouldn’t mind knowing the story to unravel between us – despite the threads flaring about wherever your next step is.

Whether you make the cut or not. This school and that. Another place adrift, trailing waves and hands in a glassbottom boat. Wherever it’s going, so now we’re here writing and reading.

Whether you want to assign a label to it or not… there’s a collective here. This is happening. We’re having an exchange. A pulse and a smoulder about, whether you want to note it or not. Whether to snuff it out is another discussion. Perhaps we will!

But at least there was a flame before embers and dust. A flare for a forest fire – to what extent, and what pulled the trigger?

We propped up these 網站, whether out of protest or curiosity – or a guilt about learning how to program. A desire to connect. Pick and choose your reason I suppose.

But I’d like for you to imagine the parchment and up the top it’s labelled Neocities and the paragraphs are dense with arrivals and departures. Your name is in there. How many updates have you made since then? So it’s written.

Now, shall the bookkeepers key in your departure date soon? Or would you rather weave in another story?

That’s what makes the story here amusing to me. It’s unpredictable. Well, predictable to some. 2:11 and nothing new under the Sun.

Whether one rises to the top, takes a stand, propagates the new ideology, or perhaps you do snatch your ticket out after all. A ticket to signal a beginning of your ceremonial adventure.

Whatever does happen, all I can say is that I find it delightful to watch the blood boil about.

Let us seize this narrative and spin a tale for the ages to come, maybe. Why not?

I look forward to writing History with you.