Hello friends. Another thing I’ve been thinking about is that I like wearing a muzzle all the time. One may argue that this is the opposite of a muzzle, but believe me, all of this fits perfectly into the muzzle I wear.
The muzzle formed out the ocean appropriately enough. While walking along and looking at the riptide formed so the muzzle popped out from it and it moved me to tears – tears of joy, and tears of confusion, if anything. Right then I knew I needed to take a photo of – what seems to be – a new permanent look. But for my eyes only, it seems.
If you could see it close up maybe you’d see the suds. No barnacles, rest assured. And sometimes when I stare deeper into it, so that same beach day appears, though maybe it’s a snapshot of present time. Because people keep walking in and out of the frame.
It makes me a little self-conscious to have people walking in and out like a screen projector, but what can you do. Even though no one else sees it, I still fidget in the mirror when someone waltz across the bubblebeard made. Maybe because I’ve come to soften up to this idea that it’s my burial site, and it bothers me when people walk over it.
Well, anyway, you can’t do a lot, and that’s partially the point – the muzzle makes it all squeaky clean, wherever you go, however it goes, whatever needs to be done, whatever is felt; there is nothing soiled and rotten between. Only a muzzle, and, as my little sister protests, forgotten dreams, but I won’t tell her about the muzzle making a new dream between. A lullaby between lunchtime and shift into serenade for evening.
Ever since I’ve met the muzzle so I find myself almost dumbfounded about reasonable things happening. Just the other day I was on a walk and so a woman came up behind me and we chatted about the weather, chatted about some New Jersey transplanting, chatting for a cold front coming – but between all of these topics each one felt stupefying. That it’s almost incomprehensible one could discuss such things. Or why, for that matter.
Maybe that’s why I thought to share it here, because maybe the muzzle is embedding itself to where it’s hard to imagine what else could be preferable to silence.