Hello friends. While having my bi-annual aneurysm I was ready to melodramatically delete my account like I’ve done 5 times before (not an exaggeration), but for some reason it feels like defeat. Like I lost to some higher forces if I delete again, because it means I either care too much or not enough, or that I’m not making room for the pointlessness.
So instead why not just archive everything and try out something different this time? Or just pretend the aneurysm never happened and continue as usual, maybe.
I mean, it’s easy to not try, and some dare to say even fun, but it’s the same as alcohol: with enough of it you’ll feel the stupor and anger. But this anger feels like a three letter agency operation.
So I will try and fail, or at least find something there. It feels like I got all of the meandering out of my system, at least.
Maybe I’ll redesign the site, and actually try, and hell, maybe even link my writing to reality more rather than crawl around the walls.