

I’m not sure what’s next… I remember when I made my first site though.

It was crumpled, it was wonky, and it was position: absolute; yet absolutely lovely.

And I made it for myself, no need to make it anything else!

Now I default to static site generators and pained to change the theme too much, make one-off pages.

Using static site generators drives this tendency toward schizoposting which isn’t all that fun.

It’s boring.

The elephant in the room is that maybe one shouldn’t worry of making websites or not anyway. If one wants something more interesting, wouldn’t your devotion be better spent elsewhere?

It’s not as though I’ve any rebuttal. I may only respond with my reason why I’m still here, although I do think about when I will delete this, or when neocities goes offline.

The purpose of this site was to waste time on the internet in a way where I am at least creating something, even if it is just drawing upon shores that’ll wash away any imprints. But maybe it’s worth to strive for something more now.

Each website accumulates a narrative that may easily be dropped at any moment. Where the past only becomes a story we tell one another. Although there’s something amusing about projecting this persona holding a chalice of ambrosia — Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair! — there are many other roles to play.

It was either delete this site or start another one under the same name; try again :-) — a third option would be to leave this hovering around for a bit before swooping in to clean up.

Why restrict oneself to posts and posts? Everything has already been said.

Why restrict yourself to virtual when you have all these beautiful ideas of experience?

I guess I’m just looking for some form of closure.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Ah… maybe the next step is to close this down.

Maybe this is the last time we’re in another’s view.

Do you feel it all moving toward something new?

If this is the last, then I hope you find what you love.

You were a friend to the end.

Until next time.