

Though the proclaimed champions of our era enunciate out the importance of goals, I think the sad thing is that most of the time there’s a misery being swept up.

I remember watching a video about a guy talking about how he just doesn’t feel like doing anything at all of what he’s doing, and then just blurts that you just do it anyway.

What’s the point? Even if you accomplish the goal, it was built on years of misery. That doesn’t sound like a good trade, unless you earnestly believe that after the goal some sort of goodness comes rolling in: spoiler alert, rarely is that the case.

Even with millions and with excellence you are confronted with the moment of each day.

What happens in the moment of each day? Processes you’ve acquired. Eating, walking, browsing, talking, working.

The real optimization is to find enjoyment in the process, not the destination. The destination is there for convenience, but it’s garbage in my view.

Only if I could enjoy the moment everyday, for each day, until whatever, then that’s victory. That’s smart. That’s the real measure of intelligence.

Idolizing suffering—though with some merit—without the primary idea that you should find satisfaction in this very moment, seems absurd. One should be glad to take the sacrifice, not grumble, is the idea. It should no longer be a sacrifice. It transforms into something else.