
Prole Life

It can be quite hard to estimate how aware you are of the world around you. One of the few beautiful aspects of the net is that, in real time, you can see different world views interacting with one another, or past one another. Straight up insulting too. And maybe you got some views of your own that you collected since, polished up and after a few stints it seems to be the resolute case.

I do it all the time, however inadvertently. I may write things like, “when you got everything figured out, that’s when you’re screwed” but anyone can slip up and think otherwise. Even now I feel comfortable in this position, despite how overwhelming the ground shifts come lately.

Although we could attempt to fashion a “tier list” out of one’s orientation toward the world and their surroundings, whatever -ism you love the most, so lately I’ve been reminded of the gargantuan knowledge gulf between the masses (which, in this case, is most likely you and I) and those who rule.

And it’s funny in a way, because some of the stuff you read about the prior aristocrats, or some of the literature around, UK parliament dukes and TV shows or whatever else, or how we all return to the same box, etc — and especially if you’re the americano then you got a streak of individuality which renders everyone a default capable, which isn’t nothing to snub at necessarily — but all of these things makes it quite easy to position one’s self as the buoy in the ocean. How comfortable, honestly!

Perhaps you have given up on politics. Or perhaps not — perhaps you’ve become fully convinced that we need revival, or there is a We still to salvage. Maybe you take much delight looking at both parties and glossing the talking points and feeling as the inbetweener looting pockets. Maybe you could wonder what psychological operations make you foam at the mouth; maybe there’s a paradise between the hellfire so perceived and certain. Or that there’s an uneasy comfortableness to the dollar bill circuit sustaining millions through masked welfares, masked UBI, masked meaning in whatever jobs about, suffering reallocated.

We could go all day, sauntering the streets of Austin coffee shops and discussing moon landings. We could go all day, really, and perhaps lean into the origins.

But the point I’m trying to make is that whoever is amongst the ruling class for the last thousands(?) of years had, well, thousands of years of knowledge ahead of you.

Thousands of years and you know they got something about keeping a family while ours disintegrates through alcoholic fits, through a wispy idea of “finding yourself” in foreign lands and speeding tickets.

Thousands of years where they probably had an original copy from Sun Tzu, and they have all of the churches and their secrets too.

Could you imagine what your life would be like if you were brought up in an environment that has thousands of years of knowledge? Some Alexandria aired dispositions? Share the gaze staring “rulers” in the face?

Whenever I look any media or other entertainment devices — even some favorite books — sometimes I wonder whether it’s there because it “speaks to some soul” or it’s there for some ruling class bending. The next blockbuster and the one after that carefully construing the future through their black-box technology looking glass. You could wonder what’s driving you even now.

One could get down about being a nothing, but is it better to be a something with the strings attached? Everything one is brought up in, from a young age, especially with the TV and God Bless those growing up today — everything, in sustained observation, has an eerie mirror in it. That if you stare deep enough there’s secrets between which destroy everything you thought of how reality should work.

I know I have been constructed by men who wield thousands of years of knowledge I was not privy to. I’m not going to pretend I have even an inkling of certainty, or the worlds beyond, connections between, underground cities and bunkers for the next pole shift or whatever else. One can collect as much “hidden” knowledge as they want, but I also know it was placed there as some sort of recruitment program, probably.

Nevertheless, I will enjoy the pretty LED colors. To loaf about while they consolidate power, extinguish the defectors in their curdled screams. I will enjoy the deliberately concentrated funding of anime to perhaps sedate the masses further — and boy, do I love some sedating. Though maybe we both won’t fall into any druggie pipeline or therapy pipeline for another asset, perhaps one could already fullfil their role in this prole life: to be an asset of speculation and amusement the same as a zoo. That perhaps one shall wonder what a human rendition of the rat experiment could feel like.

Thousands of years. And one could think of them as evil, but I mean, have you ever been to an HOA meeting? Any bit of power intoxicates; I am surprised that those who control the global symphony have benevolently provided this simple and agreeable way to pass the days.