
When I hear the word “promise” I usually wrap it with “broken” but then wonder whose fault is that?

It’d be nice to carry the promises in your heart as playing cards. Show which ones sustain you. Slide it right across the table and skip all the talk!

It’s the promise in your heart that sustains you, isn’t it?

Everyone walking around does walk with the promise of some future. Endure for a promise of a smile. Promises, however broken, still shine through. In some ways, I would say that’s the appeal.

You can find promises everywhere. A little ethereal attachment.

It’s in words. “I love you” with a parentheses of (perhaps) – no one susceptible wants to hear its conditions coupled. (As long as you stay young). (As long as you keep acting this way). (As long as no one better shows up). (As long as this moment freezes in time).

It’s in photographs. The click appends the photographer’s hopes. For each photo comes with a promise that’d be something to look at in the future: why else would the photographer make it? If it’s to throw away, a glance would be enough: throwing away a thousand glances everyday anyway.

It’s in actions. Writing on this site with a vague promise that’d it be worth reading afterward. Although I’m not necessarily confident in that proposition, we’ll let it slide here.

Amusement parks come with all sorts of promises. And nights out. And gathering your friends for an evening, a day. A job and a promising career path. And a promising family feuding over wills which promise prosperity backed by our conniving nation filled with its own promising ventures! Why else do you live there? Your ancestors thought the land promising enough.

Even our economy is made of promise. Promise is the base of debt!

Such fragile things, fused. Breaks a lot of people too, doesn’t it? And if not broken, transported. How many dreamy days spent polishing those cards-of-promise. Trading them may as well be trading souls. Daydreams. May I buy yours?

The trouble is how many paper cuts can one withstand with each grazing your skin endlessly. For however long you entertain it.

“One in the hand vs two in the bush” – what a promising proverb.