

Here’s a thought I’ve been mulling over, which I’ll paste directly here.

The only work that spiritually purifies is that which is done without personal motives, without desire for fame or public recognition or worldly greatness, without insistence on one’s mental motives or vital lusts and demands or physical preferences, without vanity or crude self-assertion or claim for position or prestige, done for the sake of the Divine alone. All work done in an egoistic spirit, however “good” for people in the world of the Ignorance is of no avail to the seeker and will keep the door shut to the Divine.

With some backlinks I found the source to be an Indian guru in the 70s, if I recall correctly (this was a couple weeks back). It is a path toward nirvana. And that makes sense. There are some parallels to Heidegger’s thought, to the Bible too, where you have this little b being and Big B Being with an abyss of delusion in between: the fact of the matter is that you’re here and you’re gone, and will you understand that, drop everything and pursue the wisdom of the kingdom, of God within you or some other such thing?

I must admit the quote isn’t always top of mind, but I circle around it in the sandbox that is my room, a spare stick as instrument. I’m circling the fact that most of my movements center around things that don’t matter a whole lot. I suppose this links back to the previous post. Memento mori!

For example, today I researched alternative keyboard layouts due to a thread on lainchan. Colemak, djovak or whatever, that took a solid hour, until I realized the impracticality: what am I in a hurry to type out anyway?

With memento mori in mind, I decided to lax my tone and type whatever, but I will try to curtail the nonsense which is the tendency we may all have.

With memento mori I wonder what exactly am I up to anyway. I could wave my wand around and say that’s useless and that too, but I think it’s this mindset of declaring use and useless that causes issues.

The meat of this post is this: the level of insignificance one can get swept up erects steel bars, to where not only can you not plan ahead, but not switch modes toward the now.

I would say the above quote is the reason I made this site, even if it wavers now and then.

I am tired of motives, of future planning, of pretense, of .making a living. and justifying an existence to an ego that cannot see the billions living in separate cyberspaces, separate languages, where they have temples to visit, towns to wander, to meadow steepes. And the millions of bones underneath each step. That cannot see the atomic scale inhabited on a day to day, a membrane for a room, a window for glass mucus.

The fact of the matter is that making this website is enjoyable, mildly cathartic, not necessarily intended for anyone. If you, reader, find something valuable from this, then I hope you put it to use!