


You can tell someone is in a bubble when they don’t ask themselves the basic questions, seek the basic results. This neglect heightens the insanity: some people get so fervent in their beliefs even though it’s the antithesis of living. And you even have strongholds to perpetuate this, as in most of schooling and academia, even workplaces if you’re padded enough in the conglomerate.

You can think noble things and wish for brighter pastures, but prostitution and drug abuse theft comes swiftly as anything else. You can think yourself empowered and experimenting, until abandoned and emotionally castrated.

I’ve written many times on this conundrum: watching people destroy themselves, self-destruction too. And I think it all comes from the misfortune of modernity – that is, the results don’t register until years later. The same as delaying the search for a bride until you’re 45, out of time.

There used to be immediate feedback, especially if you’re annoying so you’d get smacked. But instead you get ghosted and more set in the ways, more confused by the end until you’re entirely twisted.

Truth is out there to those who want to endure the pain of discovery. Out of suffering comes wisdom. No one is going to tell you otherwise that the half-baked theories – this sort of stuff I’m writing – counts as anything other than playtime.

It is precisely because everyone is floating all the time in their delusions which makes it so hard to interact sometimes. Utopian daydreams keep coming up and you can only smile.

When was the last time you’ve hit the pavement? Wrong thoughts in the past meant death. Where’s the correcting mechanism today? Wrong thoughts aren’t served with brutal realities until half a lifetime, sometimes.

And the immediacy of everything comes with a refusal to think in terms of trends. One bite leads to the next and now you’re button popping – one text leads to the next and now you’re heartbroken. One post leads to the next and now I’m blogging for the thousandth time on half-baked nonsense. Getting sucked into systems that evict your soul – here’s an invite to the discord.

You can twist it and laugh about it if you want. We get to witness slow car-crashing everywhere you look, ripping hair and downing opiates.

I can only wonder how stupid I am and how long it’s taken to shed at least half of it. Because when you get to live in bubbles all your life so it sheds.

Unless you’re willing to risk and test your ideas and ideals with what you do each day, with how you live, then you’re likely in your own virtual world.