
palm trees

Seagulls in the distance troddling around. All the swimsuits daring a little too much.

Please let us have some quadfold chairs and if today is the end then some amber bottles too.

Sun radiating off sanded asphalt. Linked isles hosting some patrons paying respects to some summer gods through umbrella shrines and sandals.

There’s the only occasion where a Jeep makes a sensible purchase.

Passing by the young couple under the palm trees, a shy clasp of hands.

On the rockier Pacific maybe one could climb the staggered cliffs amongst its lively blue. Southeast side leaves an emerald glow for the Gulf – good place for scrappy planes, passing sound-barriers for our dear Yeager.

On this immortal day we can wait for the sunset. And in that sunset we can make our set, digging some sand burial. Let’s toss in anime figurines as trinkets for the life beyond.

Bike tires need a little inflating, and the beach shops need a little visiting – maybe the thermometer plastered on the propped out door could serve as the convostarter.

In the night balm so the constellations call out. Tiki fires to totems all cradling a village for the evening. That’s when the eyes sparkle the most.

On the distant beach side with everything between as company maybe that’d be the place to evict the soul. Fireworks to evict too, letting sudsy waves illume with each launch. Sieving knuckles through the sand to thread each other’s fingers for a final night.

With midnight above so pushing your hand out leaves it through another chest, and another too. Linked hands no longer, nothing to grasp for this see-through existence. Smiles getting blurry to fade amongst our ink atmosphere, speckled by home’s starlight.

Smalltalk laughing all but fading. It’s only you on the beach.

Is it your time to go?

Rewind a thousand years hence, a thousand years in store – whether between apocalyptic concrete vines or sand dunes for a biome’s dying breath – you’ll see still some patrons paying respects to some summer gods. Squint enough to spot the patrons you knew that evening. Waddle on over to know for a thousand years more.