As I mess around with the website colors so I thought about an old highschool friend. We were great friends, and it was funny half the time.
But college happened and then they forever altered their mannerisms. The type of thing where you’re always saying bro and trying to drink more. Wouldn’t it be selfish to say you missed what they were prior?
That one can’t help but wonder whether they changed or that college, instead, brought out something long dormant. This is what they always were meant to be. In the same vein, changing the colors here: is this change or is this just another side?
I don’t think I’ve changed at all (or I don’t exist). But you could get locked into certain personas, and the one I’ve been roleplaying is some brooding hunchback under the shadows of those making an honest effort. Because of my script so most of the time I constrain expression and use it to make the point, but the point lately is how words are there to make the silence. That words only exist to bound the silence. It gives a whole new meaning to read between the lines, maybe.
It’s amusing how you only get to see slivers. And then you think you got everything figured out, but instead another five year passes and you never learned anything about anyone around. It’s been a year and change since this site rendition and perhaps this is the feature of social media: the relationships are exactly the same as the day one started. But everyone went through another year and learned something then.
In any case, I couldn’t help but wonder whether this is was another example, “from the outside” there’s something different.