
Report to the Commander

Systems online and there’s something cozy about its “resilience” – even if that’s a projection. Though a projection, so the system states, “we’re here and ready” even if we’re in the thick of a Thousand Years Peace.

It’s okay, the wiki won’t be updated and the culture of Rasselas is still yet to be defined. Funny thing about cultures is that they’re more of a apriori – what liberty we have to define cultures instead! Perhaps the more conspiratorial will roll an eye at such naivete: the ruling families shape culture, you dingus. What else is the Edict of Milan, you may chide.

Well, however the tapestry goes – nevertheless the system is online and we already have an idea to make it the parasite unto neocities it’s destined to be: RSS feeds.

After doing a bit more exploratory work, the work is thus:

  1. Fetch and parse each “event” neocities page
  2. Have a custom markup which displays caption/page

There’s two question/issues.

  1. One mega topic per site or multiple topics per site? Leaning toward the latter, as each update is fundamentally a different “topic”
  2. Topic title. Right now the title is “[site title] has been updated”

One idea is that the site owner can update the title after the topic is created. Though the current plugin code would overwrite that title. So that’s awkward.

Actually, if you pass in nil it’ll work out, so that’s good news, maybe. Would have to know that the topic is already created first somehow in order to use that. Unless there’s a default title for topics.

Spoiler: there isn’t.

Oh well. That’s the gist.

Anyway, what sort of culture is worth shaping? Perhaps the one that’s most amusing. It’s more convenient to leave such lofty tasks to fate, anyway.