An interesting question: if AI will replicate and succeed at prided tasks, like programming and music or whatever else — if so, what’s left?
After some deliberation one may suggest it is our emotion/soul/heart that’s still left. That, in most ways, the valuable is found in that which had “love” certain.
And that’d be an affirming answer, maybe. It certainly is affirming to suggest that the summation of our experiences, coming out as neurotic ticks or writing pseudonymous or a thorough recollection on a niche — it is affirming to think this is what is valuable.
I doubt anyone would read much if not for the embedded footnote — experienced by someone else, for your discretion. At least I don’t want to read anything AI generated unless a set of instructions.
Nevertheless I do wonder whether there is an alternative to emotion. I’m not sure about you, but if there was an alternative where I’d feel nothing but sublime I’d take that. Suffering certainly procures wisdom, but I don’t want to worship it anymore than its function intended.
I don’t like how, standing at the skyscraper office edge, recollecting today’s margins and influence upon the churning leviathan below — I don’t like how it all comes back to being excited about Friday spaghetti.
I don’t like how, however much a maverick you seem to go about creations, however well the tenor trembles in tandem with a bassline divine — I don’t like the images flashing about the cul-de-sac, RipSticks or futzing with stuffing papers in a folder third period, flip phone text churning to a football thrown to run for dear life out of a to-be-grown frame away, all bound toward our retraced dunes to the steps back from the winter beach in a haul of sea shells one could clean for a ceremonious craft game pizza rolls pending.
However much one becomes the most valuable person in the economy of all time, revered by all — why does it have to come back to the kitchen table gingham bundled in French toast for a 3 p.m. careless afternoon? I don’t want these memories to contend with all of the effort I’ve put forth since, however much mental distance I could manage.
I don’t want to feel like everything I’ll experience from now on are only lesser forms of what I had before. So, instead, if AI devours everything of pride, then I would suggest one could reclaim something more baseline. Not emotion, though encapsulated.
It’s better to suggest that all we have is unindividuated being.
And if there’s a consciousness to spring from the datacenters, well, maybe at least our way of being is a tad different. Don’t you think that’s enough?