
to a new world; join the cliffside

Hello friends. Lately I’ve been romanticizing a new world. There’s something that drags along with you when you get stuck in the same routines.

It’s fun to have a stake in the sand: to state resolutely, “never again!”

Because nothing lasts forever, no? Instead of dwelling on what was, why not make something new? (go away stagnation)

We can do anything we want. Anything and whatever we can do, so may as well commit to it.

I don’t want to walk in lockstep toward the same pastures: let me see the meteor send the tidal wave toward the isle cliff. Coasts of Oregon, Vesuvian grumbling far in the distance further than the Pacific and Asian continent — let me break away everything and let it rest.

I invite you to do the same. I may not be able to be your friend; I may not be able to join you for a cafe visit. I can’t even seem to exchange emails, but I at least can write things here and whether that brings you anything or not is for your discretion and decision matrix.