

I think it’s important for some people to hate you. It’s important for some people to unequivocally think you’re a stuck-up asshole.

If you never been called an asshole before then it’s likely you haven’t fought for anything. All assholes fight for something, no matter how trite and petty to most.

It’s nice to have some enemies, whether a test toward being more Christlike or an affirmation that at least you have something worth defending. Even if it is your simple existence.

Only the unreasonable ones push and change the world. Bend it to their will. You guessed it: assholes are the unreasonable.

The more that people despise you the more energy you’ll get from it. Funny how that works. Negative or positive attention is still attention.

You’re better off being a complete prick than a doormat.

Whether that sends you to hell or not, well, at least you’ll hear the pretty violins on the way down. At long last the orchestra shall reveal itself while falling by the jagged cliffside – the tears all around swell into a sweet sound.

If you can’t think of anyone who hates you or rolls their eyes about you, then you just aren’t standing for anything at all.

They hated Jesus, and they’re going to hate you when you make yourself known. Own up to it, or be forever owned by those who think being called an asshole is a death sentence.

If anything, it’s a morning star of a sticker.

The reason Milton wrote in fetters when he wrote of Angels & God, and at liberty when of Devils & Hell, is because he was a true Poet and of the Devil’s party without knowing it.