
Virtual Exile

From: dave@cray-ze-manatee.lol
To: mods@forum.earthwalkers.com
Subject: Resignation
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 10:30:00 +0000

Well, I am here to report that I never will visit this website or websites like it again. I can’t, and I won’t anyway. So here’s my resignation, effective immediately.

And you’re perhaps wondering how this works then — how does it work? You’re the last admin… aren’t you? I’m not sure either, but I can’t look at this site anymore. Does that mean it’s over? Maybe.

Maybe not! Maybe there’s something to resuscitate amongst the rest of you. Of a thousand web destinations one could dream up. Of course, as we’re all well aware, it’s not as though any of you care.

Nevertheless, rest assured, I cannot look at this website anymore. I can’t. I’d rather rest with this pitted ennui, freshly present everyday — though perhaps fading in and out as one steps ahead and past restaurants never to enter, conversations never to doppler toward a booth with the laminated menu letting you know we won’t bother you.

In any case, this is my finale for what was a pleasant life-hour spanning a two year calendar rip, watching the rest of the sand fall. There’s nothing more you could write to fix this, honestly. That’s okay. One of you will be the new admin, I suppose.

And while I loaf about with our severed connection to God, and a crimson-twisted thread to sever with you, dear moderators, well, I can at least put forth a modest suggestion: perhaps this is an uncommon novelty. Maybe the fray ends are something you can weave up your answers in as you welcome the newcomers of however you shape the forum next.

While they flip through time asunder’d virtual tombstones, disconnected and deleted profiles, so you can comfortably sit back and whether nothing unfolds or everything, there’s no pressure, because there’s nothing other than an entry, some fresh blood, and while you’re reading it maybe they’re creating the next graveyards.

In a less bleak lens the above was always my mission. They weren’t graveyards then: it meant something then. We were guiding the spiritually lost into a newfound tranquility, resting with our loving sprites about. But alas, it seems I am one of the few originals remaining. After all, Charlie went on to headhunting for his new company, and James no longer jived with the shamanistic undertones after his wife-driven Catholic revival.

Though I wish I could hand this resignation with a heavy heart, the Earthen bunch is all gone now — for me, at least. Unrecognizable, with merchandise and advertisements leaking out of the home page corners. The level of sleaze and what could’ve been a movement turned into another siphon of money out with our horrible, horrible, silver to gold tier membership plans.

In some ways some could argue this a return to form, hiding and hiding and disconnecting — but in others this mailer could be an egregious act of cowardice, a misplaced magnanimous which you can promptly excuse yourself with, as you’ll be excused anyway, excused from another descent into basement where you don’t have to look at these cold fixtures fitted in dead-ends from this side of suburbia before they dement into a tougher blue all to wonder when will your inner light match the same.

It’s just, you know, I believed we were doing something great at the Earthwalker forums. And recruiting some of you, well, I thought you’d think the same. I wish I knew. Maybe the light shifted since, maybe this is another spectre mission — though it’d be nice to hear the LED hiss to follow, to affirm our alien-hidden astral-lit half-sensing speculative wishing.

If you told me what finally made me leave everything was hiding one of my threads offering suggestions on new wooden staff recommendations, I guess I wouldn’t be surprised. After all, the ones I like the most are authentic and not from the Earthwalker store. If you click on the Founding Rules you’ll see on Section 2(a) point iii — we are not here for your cash. Not as though any of you went through the rulebook. I know, I know, this has gone too long.

Well, there you have it. Decide amongst yourselves who’ll be the admin, and I’ll hand over the server and DNS.

I hope you’re happy.

