
what's next

Hello friends. It’d be nice to share silence somehow. When you’re reading some post, you don’t get to see the pauses between each sentence entered. Though you could probably pick up some sort of methodology, depending how pristine it all presents. Or sloppy. Maybe a script worth writing would be to record and play the writing process on a page.

If you ever had the chance to visit a liveboard – where you can see someone else type word by word in real time – it’s a strange thing. It makes the text a little more humane. Makes you imagine the other person hunched and pecking each key.

The easiest way to capture others’ attentions is immediacy after all. A lot of modern messaging platforms do this deviously.

Username is typing a reply…

If you can trick someone into entertaining “This needs to be dealt with right now and it’s happening right now!” then you’ll get the full attention. Depending on your cause, or why you’d want others’ attentions – well, such conveniences aren’t afforded in a write-and-entomb website.

There is one, and that’s plastering “new” labels wherever you can, if you do hope for more engagement. Seems like too much work!

This is partly why there aren’t any dates on these entries too. Not because dates don’t have their value, but because if one wants to prioritize what’s interesting, well only the now is interesting and however far back you want to dig into previous entries, well, that motivation only sustains under the pretense of understanding now. E.g. “Are there other entries which touch upon this topic just posted?” or something like that.

Anyway, it’s been fun looking into the Discourse internals and figuring out what to do next. It’s even more fun to avoid lofty mission statements – to avoid any explanation of any of it at all. Things come and go – and so comments appear on each entry now, even if it’s a little strange: a joy of neocities is precisely in how one can be excused for whatever is made. Makes one meditate on the continual pendulum between taking things seriously and having some fun. Comments seem like a serious thing at first glance.

The title of this entry is underhanded, because there’s no intended answer. It’s more fun that way. Whatever happens, happens. This title serves more as an excuse to write, it seems.

What’s next? Maybe you have the answer.